About us
Aryan SANAT kAVEH KHORAK (Private Held Co) has started its activity since 2017 with 5600 square meter factory area, located in Kaveh industrial City. Productions were first marketed in 2018 by the name of TopTam. Co has integrated the up-to-date technology in their production lines. TopTam Flavored Marinade is considered one of the highest quality and most prominent flavored marinade brand available on the Iranian market. As a manufacturer of one of the best flavored marinade, we have a great responsibility towards our consumers. We do not compromise on quality and food safety, as we have the entire production process under our own control from start to finish, we can guarantee maximum quality, healthy, refreshing product that does not contain any artificial preservatives or additives. We continuously improve by challenging ourselves. We involve all employees across the whole value chain to achieve and maintain consumer trust.
message from head manger
Man, as a complex creature of God in the universe, has always sought to meet his needs in the best possible way. This is true of eating and drinking, which is one of the most vital human needs. It involves all the senses of smell, taste , Sight and hearing to eat in a pleasant and calm environment
Taste is a feeling and I have tried to share this feeling with you dear ones by producing top flavored seasonings.